How to Choose A Spring Cleaning Company
Planning to shop around? That’s what smart consumers do. There are numerous things that a person should check out, or consider to help ensure that they end up getting a good professional spring cleaning company, including some things that you might not normally think of. Below are a list of things that may help you out in your search.
1. Does the service company answer their phone during regular business hours in a professional manner? It is fair and appropriate to gauge the professionalism of the other person on the phone as one sign that a service provider can deliver a complete service, or end product.
2. How much does it cost? Sometimes extra costs are hidden or not disclosed up front, such as disposal or recycling charges. Ask up front to make sure you know what you’re total costs will be.
3. Do they bring all supplies and equipment needed? More important than being a concern about cost, this might be a sign of their disorganization or lack of having professional job procedures and training.
4. Do the employees work directly for the company or are they subcontractors? If they are independent subcontractors, then some of your assurance and quality issues will stop with the subcontractor (who you may know nothing about) and not the phone number that you called.
5. Do they carry Workman’s Compensation Insurance? This is key! Some self employed service providers do not. If this is the case and the worker gets hurt while working at your place, you might be responsible for the costs.
6. Do they carry general liability insurance to cover breakage or damage? And, are their employees bonded?
7. Does the company have industry certification or other certification broadly recognized as a mark of proficiency or performance? Attainment of such status as COR (Certification of Recognition) awarded by the Alberta Safety Construction Association indicate that a company has a high level of safety conduct and awareness, and a high level of job standards and performance.
8. Does their company use fully insured company vehicles?
9. Are their employees uniformed?
10. Does the company guarantee their workmanship?
11. How does the company monitor their work? Do they utilize on site quality control, phone feedback, or social media to ensure a high level of service?
12. How long has the company been in business? Are they an established company that has developed a high level of relevant skill to their business, or are they a new venture with unproven skills?
If you look at getting a spring cleaning company with these guidelines in mind, things that in a general way are summed up by a companies reputation, you are likely to ensure
your satisfaction or expectations.
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